BLS does not include information on the average DevOps engineer salary specifically. However, the median salary for software developers, which is a close match, was $120,730 in 2021. This suggests that a DevOps engineer salary is very competitive, making CompTIA Authorized Partners: Helping Meet the Industry Demand for Tech Professionals this a lucrative career path. Once you have the right experience and qualifications, you should start applying for DevOps roles. You will have lots of options to freelance or work full-time for major companies because of how in-demand this job role is.

He has written for FierceMarkets, Popular Science, eWeek and other publications. With CI/CD, every time changes are made to the codebase, the code is automatically built and tested. This helps in making sure that the code is functional and high-quality. And when it’s time to release new features or fixes, CI/CD can automatically deploy those changes to the server so that users can access them right away. We’ll also cover important topics like software installation using package managers, networking in Linux, and much more. By the end of the course, you’ll have the right foundation to start your DevOps journey with confidence.

What’s the Demand for DevOps Professionals?

It takes time to shift an internal culture to fully embrace DevOps. For example, you must teach a team to effectively use Agile methodology, then adopt the tools that allow for speedier work. It’s difficult, but many organizations feel the results are well worth it. To help make all of this easier, many companies use Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), which involves automating the build, test, and deployment processes. One of the most widely-used infrastructure provisioning tools is Terraform.

How hard is DevOps engineer job?

A career in DevOps is not for the faint of heart. It's a demanding undertaking that requires skilled professionals who know how to solve problems and work in a team setting.

Check out our product round-up of the Best DevOps Tools and Solutions. DevOps salary was another topic we covered in this tutorial, and we learned that, on average, DevOps engineers make $124,181 annually. Beginning salaries for DevOps engineers begin at $81,000 and the higher-end range lands at $189,000. Bonuses also play a role in a DevOps engineer’s compensation, with an average yearly bonus of $9,000.

Software Developer

FreeCodeCamp has some project suggestions & tutorials below that you can try out. It also gives you project ideas & tutorials using Shell Scripting which will be beneficial later. AWS is the 600lb gorilla in terms of agile cloud providers, and AWS and Linux go together like Strawberries and cream. You’ll need to be fluent in AWS before you can call yourself part of the DevOps community.

Configuration management is at the heart of fast software development. Poorly configured tools waste time, while well-configured tools save it. Let’s take a deeper look now at how to become a DevOps engineer — the DevOps roadmap and how to build the skills. We’ll share the reasons each of these tools is important, and how long it’ll take to learn each one. We’ll also point you to some good online classes and certifications.

Jenkins Pipeline Tutorial: A Beginner’s Guide To Continuous Delivery

Jenkins is an open-source automation server that helps automate the building, testing, and deployment of software. As companies strive to become more agile and efficient, the need for skilled DevOps professionals is increasing. But with so many different tools, technologies, and skills to master, knowing where to start can be overwhelming. The typical DevOps team structure includes automation architects and engineers, release managers, quality experts, evangelists, and product owners. However, the exact roles on a DevOps team can vary depending on the project goals.

One of the basic and crucial skills to become a DevOps Engineer is having a knowledge of Programming Languages. Also, for effective Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) process, programming languages are essential. You can consider languages like Python, Perl, Ruby, etc to get into the DevOps. Moreover, before opting for any language for DevOps, you must ensure several characteristics such as scalability, efficiency, modularity, etc. Additionally, it is important to create a company culture that is supportive of DevOps principles and practices.

You can also start writing code to automate existing processes if you’re currently in a tech position. Alternatively, getting an internship in DevOps, operations, or development can help you gain real-world experience. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) doesn’t collect information on DevOps engineers yet, the job outlook is strong based on data of similar roles. For instance, the BLS estimates a 22% job growth for software developers from 2020 to 2030. This growth is much faster than average when compared to all occupations. If you do have a good understanding of the full process and want to learn more, then don’t limit yourself, either.

  • The 12 Factor app is a method of designing applications that makes them ideal to work with orchestrators.
  • In a traditional organizational setting, a product undergoes several stages before it is launched, from the project initiation stage to the development and operation stages.
  • While something might be an impossible ask at face value, asking what is possible, especially technically, is an invaluable skill.
  • This will make it easy for hiring managers to see what makes you different than other candidates and more likely to be hired.